Monday 3 August 2015

Still in awe of God's grace!

Wow, so this week has finally arrived. A week we would have never thought possible just short of exactly a year ago we had the most life changing experience for the worse. But our God has been gracious and here we are nearly a year later with a life changing experience on it's way for the better. We dreaded this week to come because all we thought of was the sorrow and grief we would feel. Myself and hubby discussed our new journey just yesterday and on how we don't know what God sets before us all we have to do is trust that he knows what's best. Next week this time our quiet home will be filled with giggles baby cries and so much joy. Getting to this point, the frustration of being stuck to a bed and even within the four walls of our home this pass couple of months seem all worth while. We have had the opportunities to touch so many lives and encourage others to believe have faith and trust in the God that is all powerful and all knowing. We have also been blessed to have the opportunity to be approached by two magazines who want to share our story to the world. So watch the space for Mamas and Papas Magazine September issue hitting the shelves 17 August 2015. The other magazine will do the post pregnancy article so watch the space for updates :-)