Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Chaos in the world but peace in God!

WoW, so much going on right now in and around the world. With the new pandemic (COVID19) we have realized that materialism counts for nothing. We are all equal, no matter how big the house or flashy the car we have all been brought down to our knees at the mercy of this pandemic. We do however have a great God constantly fighting off every battle, disease, pandemic or any situation that might seem to weigh us down. I woke up this morning with an old time favorite song to many by Jimmy Swaggart (Jesus just a mention of your name) With that said many of us forget how great of a God we serve, an all powerfully and all knowing God, that just by mentioning His name we are healed, we are set free and we are redeemed. I want to encourage those reading this right now that amidst the possible chaos in your life or even in the word right now, just call on His name. There is power in His name that can break every chain of curse, infertility, illnesses, diseases, marriages falling apart, joblessness or even lawlessness. To many God might seem far and out of reach right now, but I want to urge you to simply call on Him, you just have to utter His name...God knows the heart without you even uttering anything else but you need to call on Him. May God in all your chaos bring peace, may you cry out to Him for he is the way the truth and the light. Stay safe, Stay home and keep healthy spiritually! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hq2MaI7lar4

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