Monday, 25 February 2019

Life has changed!

Been wanting to post for a while. But motherhood sure is a demanding task. Finding enough hours in the day to be an awesome employee, mom and wife and a pastors one at that is just about impossible. Most times I find myself wondering if Im making the gold star list for any. But then reminded that its ok to drop the ball at times, one could only do what is realistically possible. I am amazed how life has changed I am the same person who once longed for a toddler running around, toys all over and crazy little tantrums now living in the reality. Life has changed, the world now no longer only revolved around your needs only or adult time, one now have a small little person needing your utmost attention and time. Now guilt sets in for feeling overwhelmed and just wanting to be alone and have a full on lazy day. I still however wouldnt trade it for anything in the world. God has blessed us and he has granted us grace and strength in the most adverse times when you have no option but to be strong for those little eyes watching you!

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