Friday, 25 November 2022

Rembering the day we prayed for this!

Throughout our years of infertilty I always invissioned small little shoes laying all over the place. I still work remotely and almost daily when tidying up, find flip flops all over the house other than her room or drawer AND that's OK. I will never grow tired, there was a time we prayed for a little person in house with toys and shoes all over the place. May you always be mindful and remember the days we prayed for the things we have now. God answers prayers. May not come when we want it to, but He's ALWAYS on time. We still remain prayerful for more but we trust that God knows best 🙏🏼

Tuesday, 16 August 2022

The anxiety is still real!

One would have thought nearly 8 years in the calm feeling of peace would resonate. Even though the peace is different,subtle anxiety is still there. With 2 days before the most horrible day of our lives, I sit and still think of how little we knew of the events about to unfold. Most times we dont realise how complicated a pregnancy can be. For many it's not as straight forward as carrying a baby for 9months. So many of us walk on eggshells day in day out, walk around so focused to just get through our pregnancy one day at a time. Many times I wonder what I have missed days before 18 August 2014. And as stating in previous posts we understand God is God and he knew what was best. BUT as I always say in my counseling session with woman dealing with infertility...we are still HUMAN we trust in God and believe in his plan for our lives. It is still however ok to not be ok as long as we remember that God is and remains out ultermate source of strength!